
Programming Languages | Frameworks

Data Base | Tools

Working on


University of Missouri Kansas City

Masters in Computer Science

GPA: 3.6

GITAM University

Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering

GPA: 3.4


University of Missouri Kansas City

Student Asistant

Sept 2018 - Oct 2019

• Performing Administrative tasks required by the staff and Lecture presentation.
• Helping patrons in every possible way.
• Supervising and helping with all the labs, assisting with other subjects, grading the quizzes, assignments and labs and so on.
• Grading, helping students to understand the topic, learning how to use different new software to help and grade the student’s work, prepare presentations for the classes and so on.

Hindustan Computers Ltd

Industrial Design Intern

• Gained enormous knowledge on the working of Embedded Systems
• Designed robot which can be controlled using both Android application and Hand Gesture (Micro Electromechanical System Sensor).

Bharath Samchar Nigam Ltd

• Practical training helped me in gaining knowledge about the working of telephone exchange, various technologies of BSNL-GSM, GPRS, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max and Optical Fiber Transmission.

Some of my Projects

Chat Application

Developed an android application which can take care of all user’s communications through call and messages.

Android Studio, Kotlin, AWS Server, Java

Student World

Developed a web application provides innovative and flexible services that enable institution to drive student success throughout the entire student journey.

Angular, Express-Js, Node-Js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, MongoDB.

Medication Take Back

Developed an Ionic application to save, analyze and export the data of the expired or unused medications during medication take back program which can be used for future precautions.

Ionic App, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular, JavaScript and MongoDB, Drug Bank.

Gamers Application

Developed an Ionic application as a gaming advisor based on the user requirements.

Ionic, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Angular JS, JSON, MongoDB, Express-Js, Node-JS.

Twitter Data Analysis

Developed a system to store, analyze, visualize the twitter data on hashtag #Fitness, #Yoga using twitter streaming API and store it in Hadoop Distributed File System.

Apache Spark, Hadoop, Python, Spark SQL, Apache Zeppelin, AJAX, HTML5, Docker.

Smart switch

Developed an android application and a smart device to control all electronic devices in any environment. Can be operated through offline messages.

Android Studio, Embedded Systems.

Hand Guesture Robot

Developed an android application and a robot which can be controlled by both hand gesture and a smart phone using an application.

Android Studio, Embedded Systems, MEMS sensor.


Developed an android application to make all mathematic calculation easier to the user

Android Studio